Staying safe and comfortable in a power outage

Posted: January 23, 2024 at 2:30 pm

Don’t get left in the dark
Staying safe and comfortable in a power outage

At Vera Water and Power, we understand dealing with power outages
can be stressful and inconvenient. But sometimes, unforeseen circumstances can lead to power outages beyond our control. That’s why we are committed to keeping you informed and helping you stay safe and prepared during these situations.

Take these four steps to prepare for an outage:

  1. Be safe – Many people look to generators and other fuel-powered devices when the power goes out. Make sure to have functioning battery-operated CO monitors near every bedroom to ensure safety. Never operate combustible equipment indoors and avoid using the oven as a heater. Remember not to plug generators into electrical outlets to prevent backfeed, which can lead to serious injury or even death for line workers.
  2. Make a plan – Establish a household communication process to stay connected with everyone. Consider using two-way radios for effective communication. Additionally, involve your neighbors in your planning and encourage regular check-ins to support each other.
  3. Forecast and prepare – When a storm is forecasted, make preparations.
  • Keep your vehicle’s tank
    full of gas.
  • Stock up on extra bottles of drinkable water and non-perishable food items.
  • Make sure you have an ample supply of prescription medications to last through the storm.
  • Conserve your phone’s battery power and keep external battery packs charged during the event.
  • Keep spare batteries on hand for flashlights, lamps, and other devices.
  • Dress in layers, stay dry, and stick together. Consider setting up an indoor tent to sleep in and gather near each other for warmth.
  • Prepare extra seasoned
    wood if you have a fireplace
    or woodstove.
  • Don’t forget to make the necessary arrangements for your pets.
  • Have activities planned, especially if you have children.
  1. Know what your resources
    can handle – Only a small portion of your home will likely need to be heated, such as the living room. Keep this in mind if you plan to purchase or set up a generator.

Your safety and well-being are our top priorities. We work year-round to maintain and improve our infrastructure and emergency preparedness to minimize the impact and risks of unplanned outages.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during these times and are here to assist you in any way we can.

Report a power outage

Call 888-774-8272 if you experience a power outage. The more information we have, the better we can assess and address the issue.