How to shut off your water

Do you know how to turn off the water in your home?

  1. Find the Main Valve: The main valve is the important knob or lever that controls the water for your whole house. It’s usually found where the water comes in, like in the basement, crawl space, or near the water meter.
  2. Turn Off the Valve: The valve has a knob that you turn clockwise or a lever that you push down or across. To turn off the water, move the knob or lever in that direction until it doesn’t turn anymore, or the lever is in a straight position. This stops the water from flowing.
  3. Check for Water Flow: After you’ve turned off the valve, check if any water is still running in your sinks, faucets, or toilets. If water is still coming out, make sure you closed the valve all the way.
  4. Turning the Water Back On: When you need to turn the water back on, move the valve knob or lever counterclockwise or push it back to its original position. Do it slowly so no sudden changes in water pressure happen. This helps prevent any pipe bursts.

It is essential to know where your main valve is and how to use it before any emergencies occur. Practice turning it on and off a few times to learn how to do it quickly and confidently.

Knowing how to shut off your water can keep your home safe during emergencies or when you need repairs. Stay prepared and take care of your home!