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Embracing kindness

Posted: December 1, 2023

Supporting energy assistance for those in need In these colder months, utility bills tend to rise, putting additional strain on individuals and families. Some may find themselves in need of…

Community Solar

…What are the community solar incentives? Participants also receive annual bill credits for their share of energy produced by the project, which will help offset retail energy costs throughout the…

Essential tips to winterize your home and beat the chill

Posted: February 23, 2024

…guard—take these steps for winter readiness and enjoy a cozy, energy-efficient season. Our trusted energy efficiency partner, Comfort Ready Homes, has a directory with trusted weatherization, water heating and HVAC…

How can I save water in the laundry room?

…dark clothes to save water and energy. Plus, your clothes will retain their colors longer. If you need a new clothes washer, consider an Energy Star model. They save considerable…

Commercial heat pump water heater rebate

…the building energy code requires a HPWH for electric water heating, which currently includes: All non-R1 and R2 commercial buildings in Washington state with a combined water heating input rate…

LED holiday lights

How effective are LED holiday lights? As the daylight dwindles this winter, holiday lights brighten the night sky. Consider using energy-efficient light-emitting diode (LED) lights to keep your energy costs…

Weatherization rebate form

…sticker). If the door is not ENERGY STAR-Certified or NFRC-rated, or the ENERGY STAR list is not accessible, utilities may comply by documenting that the door meets ENERGY STAR specifications….

Why is my bill so high?

…months when furnaces and air conditioning are most heavily used. This increases energy use substantially and that can come as a surprise since the bill arrives after the energy has…

How can I lift some of the load off my airconditioning?

…that air from cooler, shaded outdoor areas provides the best intake air. Help keep your cool and comfortable this summer. For more information on energy efficiency and safety visit….

Ten life hacks to save water in the kitchen

…Dishwashers typically use less water than washing dishes by hand. Now, Energy Star dishwashers save even more water and energy. Use a dry erase pen to write your name on…